On the morning of August 24, 2022, Save Our Seine had the pleasure of presenting Julie
Gray with the Spark Outstanding Pro Bono Award. The presentation was made by Denis DePape, interim Vice-President and John Borody, a member of Save Our Seine’s Governance Committee.
Julie received the award for the terrific job she did helping Save Our Seine develop its
Respectful Workplace Policy. She undertook the project as an assignment from Spark, which
matches professionals who are experts in their field with requests for specialized pro bono
services from NGOs.
At the award event, SOS expressed appreciation for Julie’s professionalism, her
positive and constructive disposition, her patience and her pleasant working style. The work
she did put SOS in a much better and more confident position to respond to
respectful workplace complaints in the future.
We thank Julie for the valuable services she provided to Save Our Seine. We were most
fortunate that she agreed to take on this Spark assignment. We also thank Spark for
responding to our request and assigning such a capable professional to our project.