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SOS Grant at Risk

Save Our Seine

Updated: Mar 4, 2020

City of Winnipeg’s Water Services is proposing to eliminate a $30,000 grant to Save Our Seine in 2020.

How this will affect SOS, the Seine River environment, and the city budget is outlined below. We need your help to stop this cut from happening or SOS’s 30th Anniversary in 2020 could mark the end of the organization and all of its good work. If you value SOS and the work that we do, we need as many people as possible to show up at City Hall on Monday, November 25th at 4:30 p.m when the Standing Policy Committee on Water and Waste, Riverbank Management and the Environment will be holding a public hearing on the proposed budget – including the elimination of the SOS grant. Please alert your friends, family, neighbours, and co-workers to the situation and encourage everyone who loves the Seine River Greenway to attend the meeting. Forward this newsletter to others who live, work, paddle, run, bike, or play along the Seine River.

Make copies to post or hand out to others who live on your street or in your condo or apartment block near the river.

Please tweet, retweet, and share on your social media.

The state of this grant will be determined on March 6, 2020, when City Council approves their budget.

PDF to print and distribute: 2019 11 SOS News Alert – Special Edition


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