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SOS Grant Kept in City Budget

Save Our Seine

Updated: Apr 27, 2020

The City of Winnipeg tabled their proposed budget for 2020-2023 today. The budget is still to be approved by City Council in later March or early April.

The initial budget proposed in late 2019 saw a $30,000 yearly grant to SOS entirely eliminated. Today's proposal instead maintains this grant, along with other community grants previously at risk of being cut, but with a 10% reduction. Despite the lower amount, this is great news as this funding is crucial to the operations of SOS and our Executive Director's position.

Even better news, because this is a four-year budget, the grant to SOS appears at this level for four years, providing us the stability to plan well ahead.

Our sincere thanks to all SOS friends who went to City Hall, wrote emails or letters, or spoke to their Councillors, in support of this grant. Your efforts appear to have paid off!

We want to thank all elected officials and staff with the City of Winnipeg who have supported the proposed continued funding for SOS.


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