(Parker, Abby, Mo, Brynn, Zach)
Every summer, SOS assembles a small team that works to help preserve, protect, enhance and maintain the urban Seine River and it's surrounding greenway. This year's Summer River Keeper team has spent the last few months collecting garbage and debris, clearing fallen trees and logs jams, maintaining trails, and removing invasive species from the urban Seine River and surrounding greenway.
This year's team paddled all 26.2 kms of the urban Seine River - twice! In total, the team fished out:
- 55 metal objects - 18 tires - filled 107 garbage bags - 17 shopping carts - 1 bed frame - 6 bicycles The team removed 16 large logs jams, keeping the Seine River clear of obstructions and navigable for local paddlers.
The Summer River Keeper program runs yearly for 11 weeks from June-Aug, and each year the team pulls out huge amounts of garbage from the Seine River. Without the hard work of the team, the Seine River may likely revert to a large-scale dumping ground, which was the unfortunate reality for the river back in the 90's, prior to the founding of SOS.
Every little bit helps. All donations made to the SOS Summer River Keeper Team go towards providing for the team members through truck repairs, canoe maintenance, updating their river waders (those amazing pants that keep the members warm and dry!), and replacing gear and equipment such as saws, garbage bags, and tools for invasive species removal.
Thank-you 2023 Summer River Keepers!
